Regd No:E-36827 PAN:AACTL1979M Niti Aayog:MH/2022/0316348 CSR:CSR00039016

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“It’s been 25 days, and we’ve never held our baby boy in our arms. The NICU is keeping him alive and he still has a long way to go before he starts to get better – but I’m running out of time and money,” says Baburao Wadkar before he’s once again asked to buy medicines for his little one. Baburao hurries towards the pharmacy without wasting any time. He knows that there’s not a second to waste.

However, Baburao and Ujwala’s newborn’s condition is critical. He can’t breathe on her own and needs to stay on NICU support for longer to survive. He is suffering from Ptremaurity/RDS/Sepsis/Congenital Pneumonia/Congenital Hemangiomas, and the safe and sterile environment of the NICU is keeping him alive.

Total Estimated cost for the treatment is Rs. 425000/-

Baburao is a daily wages labour and his monthly income is appraox 8k. He is unable to pay treatment cost.

Your support will help these parents save their newborn.

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