Baby Joseph Lalrohlua
Mr. Kewe Wezah (Father of Baby Joseph) works as a waiter in a restaurant. His monthly income is Rs 11,000/- which goes in daily livelihood. His wife Mrs. Lal thla Muan is a home-maker. Their new born is not getting hospital-release as they are unable to pay for the baby’s treatment. Their economic condition is not stable enough that they can manage their son’s medical treatment cost.
Total Estimated Cost is Rs 6,18,000/-
Pending Bill Amount is Rs 4,43,000/-
Baby Joseph Lalrohlua is a 2 month Old Male Child who was suffering from Extreme Pre-term and low birth weight. The baby since birth is admitted to Neonest Hospital for his treatment. With loads of struggle the parents somehow managed to arrange Rs 1,75,000/- and the balance amount Rs 4,43,000/- is still yet pending.